Contact Us

We are always looking for talented and hard working 563 and 405 Labor Union Workers and Supervisors in Demolition, Abatement and Indoor Air Quality. To be considered for a position, please email Kevin Johnson with the following information and he will contact you.
- Name, Address and Cell phone
- Asbestos Hard Card number (if applicable)
- Number of years in the Union
- Your resume (or work history)
- Type of work you want to perform: Abatement, Selective Demolition, Indoor Air Quality
If you are new to our industry and are looking to join the Union to become a worker for EnviroBate please email Kevin Johnson for Abatement. A union worker or supervisor position is a terrific career! The pay is excellent, benefits are amazing and the work is meaningful. For example, we have touched the majority of commercial buildings in the Twin Cities in the past 30 years. It's rewarding to be driving by stadiums and other landmarks realizing we were part of their success.
Just remember, we work hard at EnviroBate. Very hard. If you have what it takes, we want you on our team.